Followup - Lucene
To follow up Lucene, I have a simple use case: given a corpus of documents, e.g. an artist’s most popular songs, a collection of notes, or a blog website such as this one, I can compute the classic TfIdf to get a quick summary of “most descriptive” words in that corpus.
Lucene fundamental data hierarchy:
- corpus
- 1 corpus => many documents
- 1 document => many fields (filename, create_time, content, …)
- 1 field => many terms (integers, longs, tokenized/non-tokenized strings). field data can be marked as stored and/or inverted.
- (optionally) 1 term or token => many attributes (position, offsets, flags, part-of-speech tags)
- 1 field => many terms (integers, longs, tokenized/non-tokenized strings). field data can be marked as stored and/or inverted.
- 1 document => many fields (filename, create_time, content, …)
- 1 corpus => many documents
A 4-D View of the Inverted Index
This section from the paper was especially well-written.
The Codec API presents inverted index data as a logical four-dimensional table that can be traversed using enumerators. The dimensions are:
field, term, document, and position
that is, an imaginary cursor can be advanced along rows and columns of this table in each dimension, and it supports both “next item” and “seek to item” operations, as well as retrieving row and cell data at the current position. For example, given a cursor at field field1 and term term1 the cursor can be advanced along this posting list to the data from document doc1 (and subsequent matching docs d2, d3, …), where the in-document frequency for this term (TF) can be retrieved, and then positional data can be iterated to retrieve consecutive positions, offsets, and payload data at each position within this document.
To output top words sorted by TFIDF from a corpus (lyrics, blog entries, etc.)
The steps should be simple:
- index the corpus
- retrieve all terms from the index where field=”body”
- compute tfidf for each term
- sort, truncate to top 10 for example
I have updated this website header to include “top words” as a summary. Each word link to the result of a Lucene search query. The full code is at